
Insulin Reaction

March 9, 2011

This morning while having school with the boys I started getting hot.  I asked the boys if it was getting hot in the room and they both said no.  I know the thermostat is set at 70 and the temperature outside is 59 degrees.  Odd.

So naturally my thoughts starting going medical.  I wasn’t dizzy.  Hmm – maybe I should check my blood sugar.  I do a quick check and my sugar is *56* – yep, that’s low  I head to the kitchen for something to eat and notice I am shaky.  In these situations I always overcompensate.  I should calmly get some crackers and cheese or something that will raise it slowly but I get a little scared because my body feels weird.

I think I might have gotten everything off track yesterday when I went to Vanderbilt.  I had taken my long-lasting insulin with me instead of  the slow acting insulin I am supposed to take before meals.  I wasn’t quite sure what to do so I took 20 units of the slow acting but not the 30 units of slow that I usually take at night.  Last night I took the remaining 10 units, thinking that was okay.  I am guessing that was not the right thing to do.  If that ever happens again, I would probably just wait till I get home to take my insulin.  I feel like taking a nap!

BTW, I have closed the comments on my blog.  That helps me to not write a certain way to get a certain response and it also helps me not to be bothered if no one comments.  It is freeing actually and I thank my friend Dana for the idea.  If you really have something to say about something, your thoughts are welcome.  You can click the contact form above and send me an email or, if you came by way of Facebook, feel free to leave a comment there.